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Making NOT Another Stupid Pharma Ad

The Ask

Introduce people to the world’s first clean medicine company in Genexa’s first ever TV campaign.

The Result

A breakthrough campaign that resulted in a 215% lift in brand awareness and 48% sales lift in Walmart Supercenters all while poking fun at Big Pharma.

What We Did

  • Creative Strategy

  • Creative Development

  • Production

  • Post-Production

  • Design

Genexa | Clean Medicine

Not Another Stupid Pharma Ad

Medicine is a pretty touchy subject these days. Some people are into more “natural” medicine, while others just want hard the stuff that works. We poked fun at Big Pharma’s advertising tropes by showing a wide range of people and assuring each of them that, regardless of their different needs or concerns, YES, Genexa is right for them. It has the same active ingredients you know and trust, but is also non-GMO, gluten-free, allergen-free, free of artificial dyes, and vegan. In fact, it may just be the one thing the whole internet can agree on.

a photo cut in half with the left side of a woman looking disapproving with words above it, "Is it gluten-free?" and the right side a professor in front of a chalkboard with the words above it, "Is it backed by science?" with genexa medicine at the bottom
split photo of a man on the left driving a truck with the words above it, "Does it actually work?" and a yes in large letters on the right for genexa the first clean medicine company
Genexa | Yes!
Genexa | Yes! :15
Genexa | Yes! :15
An ad for Genexa clean medical company split in two with the ad on the left reading, "Clean medicine made by two dads, not a boardroom." and on the right, "Big Pharma and colds have met their match.'
An ad for Genexa clean medical company split in two with the ad on the left reading, "Is it free of synthetic fillers? or does it work? Yes!" and on the right, "No Gluten. No Artificial Dyes. No, Seriously!"

The Part Where We Brag


awareness increase


consideration increase


sales increase in Walmart Supercenters


increase in new users to the website


purchase intent increase

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